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Labradorite is a mystical stone protector. It takes on the characteristic energies of both the Sun and the Moon. It helps assure success and brings changes in the quality of life. This stone helps develop novel ideas and promotes innovations. Labradorite facilitates the communication between the subconscious and conscious mind, thereby awaking intuition and knowledge about the past and future lives. This stone prevents the unnecessary loss of energy at the level of the etheric body.
On top of the beautiful gray to gray-black background, Labradorite sparkles with many iridescent colors, displaying blue, golden, yellow, green, red, or purple shades when seen from different angles. There are usually one, two, or three dominant colors, contributing to the blue, green or golden overall gleam of Labradorite.
Sizable deposits of Labradorite are found in the USA, Madagascar, Finland, Russia, Canada, Greenland, and Scandinavia.
Labradorite is a silicate mineral with similar structure to Sunstone. They both belong to the Feldspar class, which is a separate group of silicate minerals.
Formula: NaCa(AlSi3O8)
Hardness: 6–6.5
Labradorite displays an optical phenomenon called labradorescence. Labradorescence is characterized by an unusually attractive play of colors and flashes that depend on the angle of light refraction. A similar effect of strong prismatic flickering can be seen if snow crystals are observed in clear daylight. The labradorescence occurs because of light interference over the fine lamellar structure of Labradorite, but also, in part, it can be attributed to magnetite and iron oxide impurities in this stone. The basic color of Labradorite is gray, but, as already mentioned, as a result of the labradorescence, it is transformed into blue, green, or, more rarely, red, golden, or purple. Sometimes, the color flashes of this stone can be compared to the colors of the wings of the most attractive tropical butterflies.
Stare at the stone for five minutes without moving. Next, close your eyes and position yourself comfortably. Imagine the Labradorite’s perfect, infinite crystal shape and visualize it on your mental screen. Hold this picture in your mind while remaining in deep contemplation for several minutes.
If you do this right, you will start to feel your inner self being gradually overflowed with Labradorite’s energy of peace, purity, and order. This energy will meet your inner crystal form. If you manage to stay open during this meditation, you may become aware of what it is that the Divine design has prepared for you, what kind of Divine ideas you need to implement in your life.
Next, pick up one single event or one fundamental character trait of your nature that you are unable to shed light on entirely. Hold on to that for a couple of minutes and let the energy of Labradorite work through you. You will start to feel how the illusion gradually begins to break down and new ideas and insight illuminate your mind, bringing peace and tranquility.
Labradorite is capable of bringing the truth to the surface. It can expand your understanding of the nature of things and events. This stone is also very calming and inspiring for the psyche. It calms the hyperactive mind, helps in astral projection and regression, and eliminates harmful elementals.
Labradorite can influence all seven chakras — it also awakens the lesser chakras located in the palms of the hands when held for at least 10 minutes a day. You will know that these chakras are awakened by the generated heat.
You can use Labradorite to prepare the chakras in the palms for channeling of healing energy to the diseased areas of the body, supplying the diseased organs with some much needed energy.
Labradorite is a great stone for aligning the spinal discs. It helps with bone problems, gout, and rheumatism. Labradorite regulates the hormones, activates the thymus gland, strengthens the immune system, and stimulates self-healing in the very early stages of the disease. It is also a stone that promotes total relaxation of the body from stress. Labradorite may bring insights into the root causes of, and the cures for, some of the diseases.
Labradorite can be a life-changing stone. It brings business success, transformation, and change for the better. Its energies promote security and encourage thoroughness in all aspects of the work performed.
Labradorite spheres are ideal for cleansing the negative energy in your living space, in various rooms and common areas.
If used for self-healing, Labradorite should be rinsed under running water for 3–5 minutes immediately after the session. If the surface of Labradorite assumes cloudy appearance, this may be an indication that the stone’s vibrational patters have been disrupted and that it needs recharging.
From the book "The Magical World of Crystals" (Now in Pdf format too) by Olga Rezo. Click Here to subscribe to our mailing list and get a free chapter from this book.
Philomena says:
I recently bought a Blue Tigers Eye
Which looks exactly like Labrodorite. I am confused now pls help
sunny says:
Hard to tell anything without seeing them. Maybe they look similar to each other, at least due to their similar interplay with light, but they are indeed two different types of stones.
Maya says:
Hi :)
a got a Labradorite (spectrolite) hand stone a year ago as a present from my sister. The stone is 8x5 cm. I usually keep it in my pocket all the time.....so i have kind of a strong connection with it
But a week ago the stone fell out of my pocket and a piece of app. 1cm chipped off of its corner....now im wondering if my labradorite lost its power because of that or not?
Thank you very much for your answer.
sunny says:
I wouldn't worry about that. Just continue to use it as always.
Amanda says:
Hi just recently I went on a ghost tour and we were in a room and the guide was telling stories of a ghost and an entity that resides in the the building, I was wearing a ring with a labdraborite in it and felt a little nervous so I was putting a white light around myself to stay calm and I kept holding my hands together and as I looked at my hands I seen my stone glow/flash for a split second the room was dark and no light was coming from the small window I thought it might be from static but it was cold in the room and I tried to rub it to make it happen again but nothing just curious as to anyone else experiencing the same thing
sunny says:
Hi Amanda,
Thanks for the comment. I wouldn't make too much fuss out of it. Just cleanse your stone to be sure it is free of any negative energy.
Hestia says:
Hi. I bought a labradorite crystal yesterday. And it has been changing colours very frequently. When I initially bought it, it was light gray and translucent. But within 24 hours, it turned dark grey. And within the last few minutes, it has been changing colours, switching between cloudy gray and dark gray. Could someone please explain this phenomenon? Been searching for an answer for quite some time.
sunny says:
It's the inherent quality of labradorite to change color. It has to do with ist Labradorescence - unusually attractive play of colors.
Sara says:
i am trying to resolve many negativities in my life. it has been a horrible few years. i want a labradorite for it's properties and for my spine, freeing myself. but i feel i need an onyx before this - lots of grief. is it ok to get at the same time or should one come before the other?
sunny says:
Yes, it's OK. You can get them at the same time. Appreciate the comment. Many crystal blessings!
Leanne says:
How do I use Labradorite for self healing..
Thank you
rita says:
what healing properties will a lepidolite and a garnet together bring, i just got a necklace gifted will it work also how do i charge it so i can wear it often. thanks
sunny says:
@Leanne: I would make sure the stone is properly cleansed and charged. Next, I would program the stone with my intention of healing. Then, I would either use it in crystal therapy session, for example, as a part of a crystal layout, or wear it close to the affected organ.
@rita: Please check here for charging, and here for the properties of garnet. Then use them having their specific energies in mind.
arshak says:
My labradorite is broken. Does it work?
sunny says:
Yes it will, but you should probably replace it first chance you've got.
Roza Buzkova says:
My labradorite pendant chipped for no obvious reason at all. I wear it on me all the time. I wonder if I caused this in some way. I've had it for a week and me and the labradorite we are still adjusting energies
sunnyray says:
Hi Roza and thanks for the comment. It's hard to tell. There are different causes, from obvious reasons (something that happened without you being aware) to metaphysical ones. For example, one popular explanation is that your labradorite has taken a hit (for example, absorbed some negative energy someone sent your way) instead of you. Hence the damage. Either replace it or if you don't mind the look, continue wearing it.
Daiana says:
Hello there, i just purchased a labradorite and i am wondering whats the best way to cleanse it?
sunnyray says:
Please check this post for more info on cleansing stones.
Rae says:
Hi, I've been collecting stones for yrs and about 6mnths ago started selling stones full time, so I am very familiar with stones and how they can change colors etc. But I recently got a piece of labradorite (one of my personal favourites) that instantly grabbed me, such string energy it made my finger tips tingle when I touched it, so of course that piece I kept instead of selling as originally planned, and I carry it all the time unless it's being cleansed or charged (I usually keep my favourite stones in my bra lol) but something has caused all the color to drain out of one side of it, it's now very light grey almost white on that side and has totally lost its beautiful shine where its losing it's color. I have never seen this happen to any if my labradorite before, can u help me understand why and will it get it's color and shine back on that side?
sunnyray says:
Hi Rae. Sorry to hear about that happening to your favorite stone. But, what you describe is not uncommon. A lot of people report change of color upon wearing their favorite stones. Some even claim a change of shape, generation of cracks, formation of inclusions, etc. There are always two types of explanations: physical and metaphysical. The first one includes various influences, like body heat, or externals source of heat, light, moisture, etc. The second explanation is related to the interaction of your auric or energy field with that of the crystal. I wouldn't exclude either. In similar cases, some people even maintain that their stones have taken a sort of energy blow instead of their owner, which then manifests physically in some way. As to how to restore the original shine, that's a difficult question to answer.
Vanessa says:
Hi Sunny, I recently purchased a pretty heavy labradorite from a crystal shop I work at and many people told me before that from the looks of it, it already absorbed a lot of negative energy because one whole corner of it is a matted texture and is very black. The first day I took the stone home and slept with it underneath my pillow it felt very strong to the point where I felt nauseous. I can already see its affects in my life for the positive but I'm just curious about the darkness this stone acquired. Will this effect me and my living space as I work with this stone? I also feel extremely connected and attached to this stone I currently have in my possession.
Thank you for your help.
sunnyray says:
Hi Vanessa and thanks for the comment. You should do everything you can to cleanse the energies absorbed in the stone before using it. Check the corresponding section of this site for ideas how to purify the stone, and apply several methods. Hopefully you will get a much more positive feedback from it after cleansing.
Mohawk79 says:
I'm drawn to labradorite spheres despite my pyramid like chunk I bought last year to set my apartment. I feel compelled despite wondering if its really necessary. Is there different purpose in the shape vs inherent property of the stone? I'd lost a selenite sphere in a nasty break up, and recently got a new one, and feel like a calm effect came with it... despite my selenite lamp in my room. Ive got an incomplete altar/shrine I use for display, arrangements... that seems more at peace with the selenite opposite of my Amethyst cathedral I got as memorial of my miscarried daughter, who'd be due this week.(maybe tmi... just thought info might help insightfulness I'm missing)
sunnyray says:
Crystal spheres are often being used for predicting future events. However, as they are object of infinite symemtry, ... , but also they can be used whenever there is a need to emit energy homogeneously in all directions. The symbol of the sphere is an expression of infinite symmetry.
Maria U. says:
Hello Sunnyray...
I've originally bought a labradorite ring.... when I went on Etsy, and the moment I saw the picture of the ring I just got the urge to buy it. I had for almost a year, until on January 29, 2017 my ex-boyfriend and his friend and I had gone on a road trip, when I used the bathroom, I took off my ring and for some reason I didn't grab my ring. I quickly realized I left my ring at that bathroom when we were miles away. A thought processes through my mind; it's job is done, and someone else needs it's powerful healing at that day. So on my birthday something urged me to go in a book mine store, to my surprised I saw a labradorite pendant, very beautiful, it was dull and gray looking.... I talked to the labradorite; "I will come back for you, I don't have enough money to pay to take you home, and when I come back and your gone, I'll take it it's not meant to be". On June 30, 2017 I came back to the book mine, to my surprise the pendant was still there. I immediately bought the pendant and a snake necklace to go with it, and a ring of labradorite also called me, bought both of them for my birthday.
At my ex-boyfriend's home, in his room I don't feel comfortable being in there for a long period of time. I always get the urge of sleeping on the sofa or even when I do try to sleep in his room, I wake up after an hour. One day I got a feeling my snake necklace was going to break, and one day it did break, the labradorite pendant fallen on my hand. And I do wear both Labradorite and another stone together, I can't remember right now (I have a feeling it's not giving me a privilege to share here, it only happened at this moment). Anyway, my labradorite sometimes is gray and dull.... sometimes it's brilliant gold, green and blue. Since I've been with my and ex-boyfriend, and throughout the break up etc, I've noticed there's a crack going straight across the stone.... and noticed there's some little chipped on left top area of my stone. When I look at my stones, and noticed each damage just by wearing my stones, a message crossed my mind; all of the negativity surrounded me, and or others sending ill wishes towards me, my stones had absorbed the negative impact.
There's a lot of my stones had disappeared and I could not find it, no matter how many times i had rearranged my room, and living room. Which only means I no longer need there energy. Which brought me towards labradorite and my other stones I carry with me also. And I keep one stone hanging in the car on a rear view mirror; the stone constantly absorbs morning sunlight, afternoon sunlight, and moon light, and it had been wonderful to me.
I just wanted to share my story. Blessed be to all.
sunnyray says:
Thanks for sharing your insight. Very deep understanding of the metaphysical action of stones indeed. God bless you.
Daniele says:
Hello Sunnyray,
I never had interest in crystals before Decemeber 2016. Before Christmas days I was in Budapest and , while i was walking in a narrow street, i got the feeling I had to enter this shop called "Moonstone". The woman inside the shop told me I had to choose my stone by holding it in my right hand and so i did. That's how I got my labradorite. I immediately felt its effect, and in the last 4 months i brought it with me in my pocket day and night. I was feeling somehow more calm and more committed to my studies and in meantime people were clearly more "attracted" by me. Nothing incredible, but I was feeling good. Then, after my graduation, the stone fell from my pocket and chipped just a bit. I tried to rinse it under cold water but I can't get out of my mind that the stone stopped working and, consequently, my calmness and enthusiasm went away. What should I do? Can you give me some advice to get back the power of my labradorite and keep it through the years?
P.s: I'm a 23 y.o. boy and I'm a Sagittarius
sunnyray says:
Hi Daniele,
Why wouldn't you buy another one using the same method of selection. It could be that your current Labradorite has fulfilled its purpose.
Daniele says:
Hi Sunnyray,
I live in Italy so unfortunately the shop where i bought the stone is far from my place. I will have some freetime in February and I will try to get to this shop as well to "close" this problem. Anyway I would like to use my stone as a talisman on which I can rely and not to have doubts, at least on that ahah. So how can I keep my stone working and clean of negative energies through years? Should I stop having that in the pocket all the time?
Thank you,
sunnyray says:
Hi Daniele
You have several methods of cleaning and charging you can choose from.
Yohei says:
hi i am currently learning to read tarot cards, and i read that i need a clear quartz to give energy to my deck. and upon buying this crystal, i was mesmerized by the gold tiger's eye and it says that the gold tigers eye can help me to have a clear mind and also protects me from the evil eye. so i bought it also, upon reading the crystal i saw this labradorite mala beads and it attracted me the most. i researched about it and i was surprised that it can awaken my innate psychic ability i know everyone has it's own psychic ability it's just its not awaken.. so i'm planning to get one soon..my question is can i wear the labradorite mala beads and my tiger's eye necklace together? i was thinking is the tiger's eye is there to protect me and have a clear mind plus the labradorite to awaken my psychic ability and boost it also.. thank you very much
sunnyray says:
Yes, you can wear them together, especially if you are attracted to them. Thanks for the comment, and best of luck.
Anna says:
Ho Sunny I have been wondering about the different colours of Labradorite and whether the purple has different properties to the blue or the green? I have tried searching for any info on this but have not come across anything that specifically relates to the purple toned ones. Hoping you have some insight on this for me 😊 thank you so much
sunnyray says:
Purple vs blue vs green? I would say the most spiritual are the purple stones, blue are great if you need to improve communication, and green are better for physical and emotional healing.
Adrienne says:
Last summer I bought a beautiful polished piece of labradorite with great colors which it still has. I keep it on my table where I work with people (readings, vibrational healing,consulting,etc). After the summer eclipses my earth connection has become much stronger. I recently noticed the stone has brown lines in it that look like 3 trees which it didn't have before. I'm amazed.
sunnyray says:
Thanks for sharing, Adrienne!
Graham says:
Hi, I am a magnetiseur and amature healer, and recently purchased a labradorite button that i wear for protection and also use as a pendant for healing. I recently had major, indeed life saving surgery, and apart from the morning of the surgery, have worn the labradorite permanently. The recovery time has been massively accelerated, and no trace at all of infection anywhere. What perplexes me a little, is that the labradorite has lost nearly all of it's dark colour, and indeed in places is now transparent.
sunnyray says:
Thanks for sharing, Graham. Very interesting. Probably the loss of color is an indication that the Labradorite has indeed done a great job helping you.
Aysu says:
Hello I 've bought a labradorite necklase as a gift to my friend recently and after she has rinsed it its green colour changed into blue.Is this normal or not,what does this mean?
Nadine says:
Hi, I am 14 years old. I was in Knysna, SA with my family. We had just finished a hike and ziplining. There were these little old houses and I walked into one that had crystal necklaces. I was only 10 years old and at that time I did not know that I had a slipped lumber. There was only one necklace I was drawn to and that was a labradorite. I bought from the lady and she smiled at me and said good choice. Over the years I had no idea what crystal I was wearing. Everytime I wore it, I would see visions of things that were going to happen, and weirdly enough it happened. I told my mom and she thought that I was being silly. When I took the necklace off I became sick and felt irritated with people. Over time I started to wonder what is this crystal really. I did some research and it makes sense now. To this day I still wear my labradorite necklace, I'm wearing it at the moment and when I sleep I dream about my past as a little girl. The labradorite helps me to stay focused during rock climbing competitions and block out the negative energy of others. My labradorite has dark lines in it and over the 4 years the lines have become darker.
sunnyray says:
Thanks Nadine for your comment and for sharing your insight. Love and light, sunnyray.
Candance says:
hey, iv recently found a labradorite, it was a hand made necklace from a friend. since having it, i have noticed it continuously growing streaks and speckles of black, is this normal?? im a light and a medium i guess i can naturally read, and go to events if that makes sense. new to the labradorite though.
Rina says:
Hi. Sunny. I am crystal junkie. I love crystal. I have many of them. But I am always drawn to labordarite, amethyst, clear quartz , bloodstone ,citrine and rode quartz . I wonder why. I won't buy different crystals
sunnyray says:
Hi Rina. Who knows? Maybe their energy suits your energy field and works beneficial for you?
Kathy says:
Hi Sunny,
Since Labradorite are my favourite crystals I carry/hold them all the time with me which sometimes I drop them and resulting in fractures, chips and cracks. I feel sad every time I look he flaws I have cause it. Does this mean something?
Also I bought a beautiful prism wand but did not realize a the time of purchase that the tip had already been chipped. Will the healing properties still work or is it considered permanantly damaged?
My most recent purchase was a palm stone and for some reason every time I hold it, I feel a headache and some tingling. Is it because this particular stone doesn't resonate with me, is there something I can do to remove this feeling every time I handle it?
Thank you!
sunnyray says:
Hi Kathy,
Chipped stones and crystals still have some amount of their initial healing properties, although somewhat diminished. No reason to throw them away. A stone can also take a blow instead of the owner, which sometimes manifests as chips and cracks. Of course you can drop them, as you say, and that probably doesn't belong to the above category of events. If you feel unwell while holding a particular stone, it is either that it doesn't resonate (presently) with you or it carries some negativity from its previous owner. Clean it and try again, and if it still feels the same, leave it be for a longer period of time.
Thanks for the comment and all the best.
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