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Photovoltaic Solar Panels In The UK
If you’re seriously thinking about installing solar panels in your home, then you're one of a vast growing number of people who have quite literally seen the light and appreciate the financial and environmental benefits of investing in a long-term energy solution.
Turning sunlight into energy is nothing new, but the scale on which it is now happening is revolutionary. Breakthrough advances in solar technology have made it more practical, cost-effective and accessible to make the switch to solar than ever before.
To understand how the process works and how you could benefit from the installation of solar panels, read on.
Sweet Solar Salvation
Britain is a global leader in the fight against climate change and the UK’s Climate Change Bill has promised to cut carbon dioxide emissions by at least 60 percent by 2050. The government’s commitment to renewable and green energy has instigated a thriving market for solar power systems, the most popular being photovoltaic solar panels.
What are Photovoltaic Solar Panels?
If you’ve ever wondered what the exact name for those large solar panels or tiles you see on more and more people’s roofs are, wonder no more. Their correct name is solar photovoltaics, or PV for short. The main thing you need to know about solar panels is they convert daylight into electricity through a process called photovoltaic streaming. It’s a common myth that these panels need direct sunlight to work, they don’t. Even on a cloudy day they can generate enough electricity to run your household appliances and light up your home.
How do They Work?
In a nutshell, solar panels use photovoltaic cells to harness the sun’s energy and create an energy field which is converted to kilowatts and powers your home with electricity.
What Happens at Night?
Solar panels build up a surplus of energy during sunlight hours, which you can sell back to the grid at very reasonable and use again when the night comes, which we’re sure you’ll agree is a very cost-effective and self-sufficient way to produce and use electricity.
Is Installation Easy?
Most roofs, regardless of their shape and size can be installed with photovoltaic panels. Those roofs which prove difficult are usually compatible with solar tiles, which are smaller and attach to the roof like a shingle. Find a solar panel installer here.
What are Feed-in-Tariffs?
Feed-in-Tariffs are government incentives encouraging people to go solar. The sooner you install solar panels on your roof, the better financial return you will see from your investment.
The amount received from the feed in tariff depends on what size of solar system you buy compared to how much energy you consume.
Benefits of Making the Switch to Solar
Photovoltaic panels have a typical life-span of 30-40 years and in most cases no planning permission is needed to install them and they need no maintenance. Solar panels also increase the value of your property and depending on your energy consumption rate and size of system purchased you can reduce your electricity bills by up to 100%. They work all year around and create no noise. So the only question is, what are you waiting for? Make the switch and go solar.
Solar Contact provide up-to-date and relevant information on solar energy use within the home. Visit their website to find out more about solar panels and their installation in your home today.
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