The following section of the sunnyray website is devoted to Spiritual Growth,
Religious and Metaphysical Development. For the most part, the material presented here will be
based on the book I Am Who I Am, by Olga Rezo, which is considered one of the best guides into
spiritual development and spiritual self growth. The articles are grouped to best match the
subcategories of this section of the website. Each of them is intended to help the
students and spiritual seekers contemplate over one of the aspect of spirituality, and
by doing so to come closer to better understanding of their own True Self, to gain valuable
spiritual insights and to come one step closer to the ultimate experience known as
Ten Simple Tips How to Become and Stay Happy
The Seven Steps of Spirituality
Spiritual awakening
The Seven Bodies
Levels of Spiritual Consciousness
Universal Trinity of Man
Life lessons
What is the Higher Self
Spiritual Seekers
The Human Auras
How our Mind and Consciousness Relate to the Physical Body
Singing Bowls of Tibet - Vibration Sources for Healing and Meditation
Are Angels Real or Imaginary?
Tips to Stop Rushing Through Life
Being Present and Being Happy
Seraphim - the Highest Choir of Angels
The Highest Body of Atma