Guest Articles >> Yoga

Benefits of Inversion Techniques

By Dave Carry

There Are Many Benefits of Inversion Techniques.

Yoga is widely practiced by many people around the world. It focuses on discipline within your own body, improving your health and helping you to relax more easily. Yoga can help you improve issues like back or neck pain, and it can help you become more flexible and have better balance. If you regularly practice yoga, you may have heard about the benefits of inversions. There are many different ways to perform inverted yoga positions and techniques. Many different people benefit from inversions and perform them regularly.

What is an Inversion?

An inversion is any yoga position where your heart is positioned higher than your head. There are many different yoga positions that are obtainable without the use of extra equipment. However, lots of people use things like yoga swings, inversion boots or inversion tables to achieve better inversion positions and benefits. No matter how much inversion you wish to try, there are many ways to achieve it.

What Yoga Positions Are Inverted?

There are several easy yoga positions that feature inversion and are relatively simple to do, even for beginners. These positions are generally some of the first ones that people learn when they begin to do yoga. They offer a range of benefits without requiring too much physical effort.

  • yoga posture downward dog The position downward dog is one of the first ones that many people are taught when beginning yoga for the first time. It keeps the feet and hands on the ground while the hips are extended to the sky. It can also be easily modified for people who can't get into a true downward dog pose.
  • The Happy Baby pose is another easy inversion pose for beginners. To do the Happy Baby position, you lie on your back and bring your feet up to your hands while bending your knees. You then hold the sole of your foot with your hands.
  • Poses like standing forward folds or lying with your legs up against a wall are simple to do and offer the benefits of inversion therapy as well.
  • More advanced yoga students or athletic people may do handstands, forearm stands, headstands or shoulder stands as a more intensive form of inversion.

What Types of Equipment Can Be Used for Inversion?

Many people choose to perform inversions in a yoga swing or trapeze. These can be purchased to use at home, and they allow people to easily invert their bodies in a variety of positions. They are safe and easy for most people to use correctly.

a type of inversion table Inversion boots are another option for people that wish to enjoy the benefits of hanging upside down. These are much more intensive than using a yoga swing. Basically, inversion boots leave people hanging upside down from their ankles. They are excellent for helping to relieve some back issues and other problems, but it can be quite difficult to get in and out of them. People usually install them over door frames at their homes.

An inversion table is one of the easiest pieces of equipment to use for inversion. A user lays in it and secures them self, and then it reclines and allows the user to invert their body. These are good for people with limiting physical conditions that make other inversions difficult or unsafe.

What are the Benefits of Inversion?

Inversion offers a huge array of benefits that can help almost anyone. While some people with problems like heart conditions, a history of stroke, detached retinas, glaucoma or blood pressure problems shouldn't attempt inversions without speaking with their doctor first, most people find that the benefits of inversion help them in their everyday lives.

  • Inversion can help you feel more awake and energized naturally. Many people turn to caffeine or other stimulants when they need an energy boost, but inversion helps more blood flow into your brain. This helps you wake up and feel more alert in the healthiest way possible.
  • Practicing yoga while inverted can help you greatly improve your balance.
  • Inverted yoga positions can help you to relax and give you a different perspective on life.
  • Inversion can help improve your immune system and keep you from getting sick easily. This is becomes it helps your lymphatic system function more efficiently.
  • Another one of the benefits is that it improves your core strength. Performing yoga moves upside down works your muscle groups in ways that they are not accustomed to.
  • Some inversions will help strengthen your upper body and tone the muscles in your arms.

Many people regularly practice yoga and enjoy its benefits. Recently, more people have become aware of how much performing inversions can improve the condition of their bodies. The benefits of doing inversions are varied and can offer something to almost everyone. Inversions can be done using just your body or with the help of specialized inversion equipment. Try inversions today if you are ready to find out how the practice can improve your body and health.

About the Author

Dave Carry is the main author of articles published on the website "Inversion Helps!" His inversion table reviews are probably the most detailed on the web in his quest to address all the questions and concerns that his visitors might have.


The above guest post is published based on the premise that it will be helpful and informative. The opinions made within it are those of the author and not of The links you may find within this post do not necessarily imply our recommendation or endorsement of the views expressed within them.


gig says:

You can use gravity as your best friend. Your brain gets more oxygen and increases its mental function,like memory, concentration, and problem solving. Boy I can tell you from experience that that builds confidence. As you find yourself in a new position, it gives you a new perspective on life, literally. You know there is always a new way of looking at problems. If you incorporrate inversions in your life, either by yoga, or using machines, you will get the most natural way of boosting energy without resorting to caffeine!

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