One of the greatest problems of modern society is self-alienation, or neurosis. Self-alienation is a good base for many diseases. Do you hear the voice of the truth that comes from the inner core of your spiritual being? This alienation is a cause of many evils that afflict the world. The famous psychologist Erich Fromm once said: " Alienation leads to the perversion of all values."

The solution is to attain enlightenment, which by itself brings wisdom, differentiation, clarity and everything else that you might need for a healthy future. When the Divine love enfolds you, all problems disappear, you are filled with great, affectionate joy.

What you need to do is to open up to God in your heart and perform your meditations and relaxations regularly. Turn your attention toward your spiritual values and away from the self-centeredness and egoism. Let your wondrous, selfless love prevail. Be persistent.

Do you spend enough time in nature? Are you prone to conflicts? Are you unpleasant, difficult, forceful? Are you always complaining? Or, maybe you are peaceful, tolerant, patient, and you don't have the need to judge or manipulate other people. Try to get to know yourself, to change yourself, to forgive others and yourself and to learn how to love yourself.

What is important is not what other people think, but what you think, what you feel, what you want, and what you aspire to. Do you have a plan? Are you doing something every day to put your plan in action? Are you capable of loving? Do you love yourself? If not, ask yourself if you have forgiven everyone.

Who are you? What are you? What is God? What is another human being? What is life? Where are you going? Where are you coming from? These are the most fundamental questions each human being has to ask and get an answer, not intellectually, but via a direct experience of the truth.

Peace is therapeutic and very important for treating neurosis. Regular exercises increase vigor and promote a sense of welfare. Keep your body in shape and try to prevent burnout at work. Include several important teas into your diet, such as thyme, valerian and St. John's wort. If you are not aware of your neurotic behavior, it does not mean you are not neurotic. Do not forget, happiness is those small things you do for other people, not what other people do for you.

Crystals can help you deal with neurosis more effectively. Surround yourself with them, and above all always use Amethyst. For example, you can wear a necklace of Amethyst even while you sleep. You can also put several amethyst pieces under your pillow, or besides the bed. Amethyst is the stone of the spirit. As such, it can help you make a deeper connection with your spiritual essence. Establishing a connection to our deeper, more spiritual levels of consciousness is the key in fighting neurosis. Other semi precious and precious stones that can be useful in this regard are Rubellite, Sapphire, Citrine, and Amber.

rough rubellite

As Saint Nikolai once said, you should consider every day of your life as one complete, miniature life. You should live it as a whole unit, not as a part of your greater life, so that when the day is over, it can represent a person with whom you would like to meet again, as a friend, and to show it to the Universe without shame.

This text is from the encyclopedia of crystals "The Magical World of Crystals" by Olga Rezo. This encyclopedia is due to appear very soon. Be the first to know about its release by joining our mailing list HERE.

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