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The loss of someone we love is an extremely difficult situation. It can happen to anyone, and most people feel lost, they are in grief, unable to recover. But life goes on and we can’t allow ourselves to be in depression for the rest of our lives.
Sometimes, grief isn’t related to the loss of someone we love. It could be a result of a job loss or a difficult economic situation. It could be because of a hard break up or after a serious fight with a friend or family member. The one thing that is common for all these vases is that most of us feel so depressed, as if all of a sudden, all the colors have disappeared. We can’ do that to ourselves, so here are several reasons why you should move on and be happy.
When counselors help people recover from grief, they analyze what was their inspiration before the loss. Motivation and inspiration are the most important things that can help a person to recover from the loss and to keep moving on.
If a person has lost a family member who was the source of inspiration, there are ways to regain motivation. They should think about what their loved person would say. What would be the statements in different situations? For example, this family member kept reminding you to walk with a dog, complete some errands, etc. You may write down these statements to help you regain motivation.
Another efficient method is to think about all your accomplishments. For example, you have managed to obtain an important skill, bought a gym subscription. Or you have registered on a dating website, for instance,, and met people who you might like, etc. Try to recall what was the feeling of accomplishing something. Was it a positive feeling? Of course, it was. Use this feeling as motivation and set another goal to accomplish.
When trying to cope with grief, every detail is important. And when trying to recover from grief, it’s essential to surround yourself with positive and supportive people. The overall environment is also very important. For example, living in a messy apartment with a full think of dishes to wash is not a great idea. Whereas a clean apartment or visiting a SPA would bring positive emotions.
It’s also wise to avoid people who aren’t supportive. Those who are pitiful and keep blaming everyone around them are not the ones you want near you. In fact, these people are never useful or supportive, they don't bring anything positive in your life at any time. When trying to cope with grief, surround yourself with people who can make you feel comfortable and loved.
As for the overall atmosphere, try tidying your house if it’s in a mess. You can decorate your home with some things that bring positive emotions and joy. The same rule can be applied to your workspace, decorate it to feel better.
Like it was mentioned, it is very important to remember the things that inspire and motivate you. You may have a pet to take care of. You could have friends who you love like siblings. You may have a job that you genuinely love and adore. You may be proud of gaining an education. You can figure those things that you are grateful for.
Take a sheet of paper and write down everything in your life you are grateful for. Write down even the smallest things you have. When you see the list on paper, it’s a lot easier to see how many nice things you have in life. Even in times of grief or when being in depression, you can look at the list and see all the positive things in your life. That way, it’s a lot easier to regain control of your life and find the motivation to move on.
When someone doesn’t have anything that can distract them from grief, it’s not going to help the recovery process. You might have noticed that when you’re busy, you don’t have time to think about unpleasant things. That’s how our jobs help, instead of locking ourselves at home, we have to dress up in the morning and go to work.
Imagine, if apart from work you also have a hobby that you like. If you already have a hobby, then don’t abandon it. It’s one of those pleasant things in life that makes people happy. If you don't have a hobby yet, think about what you might like.
Take a sheet of paper and write down all your interests. For example, running, cooking, working out, painting, constructing, etc. It could be any interest as long as it makes you feel happy and distracts you. You don’t necessarily have to subscribe to some lessons (although it’s a good idea to be among people), you can simply dedicate your time to do the things you like.
You might be one of those people who absolutely adore traveling. Book a ticket and plan your trip, it guarantees positive emotions and feelings. If you aren’t used to traveling whenever you have a free weekend or week, then you could start traveling.
Research proves that traveling changes people for the best. It’s not just an enjoyable thing to do, it’s also great for distracting yourself. Think about it, you have to plan your trip, book a hotel room, consider the places you want to visit, plan the way home, etc. It’s already a distraction from negative emotions. Not to mention that you will see new places, which is also a great distraction.
Take a break and concentrate on your needs. It’s time to get enough sleep, rest, care from others, communication, etc. Take care of your basic needs - it’s the first step to taking care of yourself. How can you help yourself if you don’t have enough sleep and nutrition?
Take care of your basic needs. If you need some time to recover, take a vacation. Make sure you have enough sleep, you don’t skip meals, and eat healthy food. If you need some time alone, then take a break. But try not to avoid those who you love and who love you back. When your body gets enough rest and nutrients, your mind can finally focus on other aspects of life that make you happier.
It can motivate you to begin moving on. Sometimes, asking for help means asking a friend or a trusted person to listen to you. At some point in life, we all might feel like we are cornered and there is no way out. To let this feeling go, you can speak your mind. Tell what's bothering you, relieve your mind from this feeling.
You might think that it’s a weakness, but it’s actually a sign of strength. We can’t hold everything, we need to let others help us and give needed support. And it’s not shameful to ask for help from a specialist, sometimes, it’s one of the most effective ways to regain control of your life.
“Show must go on” - this famous line also refers to your life. If something bad happens, your life isn’t over. You still have some things in life that you care for. There must be people you love who are worthy of your time. You can be happy - you will be happy no matter what.
Karl Murphy is a professional journalist from Des Moines, Iowa. After obtaining his Master's degree, he's launched his career and over its course, Karl was contributing to the popular publications for men. He also develops his blog
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