Guest Articles >> Natural Health

Articles contributed by our guest expert authors.

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Homemade Earache Remedies By MemeBridge

Earache is one of the most troublesome problems in the life of a child or an adult. You will find that the pain experience by a person having earache differs. It may be sharp, dull, throbbing, severe, mild etc. This condition usually occurs in winter and sometimes even in spring. Read more

How to Have a Naturally Healthy Pregnancy By Lauren Dzuris

This is a guest post written by Lauren Dzuris. Lauren runs FindMyCarSeat, an infant car seat website that is designed to help soon to be parents find the right car seat for their new baby, while giving them all the advice they need on everything from pregnancy to caring for your baby. Pregnancy is a beautiful, and life changing thing. Read more

The Latitude of Longitude - A look at the way new drugs are introduced By Michael Carter

The idea that we forge ahead introducing new products with less than adequate information could be considered an attitude crisis. I've put some information together and added a few comments. The article is divided three parts. First is a loose definition of what longitudinal and cross-sectional refer to. This is followed by a case study, using Reservatrol as a model. Finally, I give some general thoughts about the way we, as a society, function. Read more

Infrared Sauna - A Modern Take on a Classic Therapy By Brant

Sauna technology is nothing new. The Finns have been using saunas for hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years, as have other Scandinavian and even Eastern European cultures. In climates that cold, the rare treat of being able to strip off your clothes and sweat in the dead of winter is something to look forward to every winter. Read more

The Raw Food Diet: What Can I Eat? By Katrina Robinson

Over the past decade or so, a lot of attention has been paid to natural healing and alternative diet. One of the most controversial and misunderstood diets is the raw food diet. But what does this diet really entail? What foods can you eat? And what are its benefits? Read more

Energy Healing as an Alternative Health Method By Geru Chouglu

I can only imagine how you must feel if you are just starting your carrier in the field of energy healing - so many new things have to be learnt, so many new phrases, new strange terms like, chakras, nadis, auras, pranic energy, just to name a few. If that is the case, you are probably wondering what the real meaning behind these expressions is. Read more

Staying Healthy Whilst Working Hard By Jessy Troy

In the uncertain economic climate we find ourselves in, it can be very easy to sacrifice personal health in order to try and be more productive at work. It's becoming more and more common for most people to spend eight to ten hours a day chained to their desk, then upon getting home they either unwind by sitting in front of the TV or using a computer until they fall asleep four or five hours later. Read more