Posture During Meditation Exercise

Some time ago Guillermo asked a question about how to perform the seven rays meditation, and another question was posed about our opinion whether one should take a certain posture while meditating. All this given that there are different answers as to whether crossing legs during meditation is desirable.

At the beginning, one should seat oneself comfortably in a quiet room. If the meditator is familiar with some relaxation techniques, it is advisable to use it in order to relax their physical, etheric, astral, and mental body. If they are familiar with the technique of pratyahara, they should use it prior to meditation as well. Start meditating by reading the text of the seven ray daily meditation aloud, sentence by sentence, without haste. After each spoken sentence, close the eyes, channel the awareness inwards, trying to experience the spiritual meaning of them. The key is in the direct experience of energy. Allow to entirely experience the meaning that each sentence is attempting to convey, before moving to the next.

The above describes the so called inner posture, which is more important than the outer position of the physical body. Each day in the week represents a radiation of a Ray, containing creative light powers of the Sun. This dedicated Ray supplies our bodies with certain qualities. Try to enter deeply into oneself and feel the message that is being delivered by the Ray of that particular day.

As for the outer posture during meditation, the bodily position during the exercise is certainly important. One should try to keep the back straight as much as possible. This is especially important in the advanced stages of meditation, where one can expect the kundalini to start rising. As long as one keeps the back straight and the body relaxed, it does not matter much whether one actually crosses ones legs or not. Just remember to keep your spine as straight as possible.

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