As Jesus was walking with the disciples to Jerusalem he saw a fig tree in the distance. On closer inspection he found there were no figs on the tree as it was not the time for figs. Jesus cursed the tree and said to the tree, “No one shall eat figs from you again.”
After returning the next day to Bethany the disciples noticed that the tree was dead right to the roots. Jesus said that you could say to a hill, “Cast thyself into the sea and it will be done for you.” (Matthew 21:21) He said that when you pray and ask for something; believe that you have already received it and you will be given whatever you ask for. When you pray you must first however forgive everything you have against anyone, so the Father will forgive the wrongs you have done.
The last statement is a giveaway in that Jesus is saying that you cannot have anything with the Father unless you have completely forgiven other people just as 'He' would. If you hold something against someone else, then you hold it against the Father. If you forgive then God, like a father, can be a friend to you again. Being friends or at one with the Father is the same as being in perfect understanding or intuition. Jesus said, “The Father gives me everything, because I give everything to the Father.” (John 6:37) If you cannot forgive your brother, then this relationship is not possible. After His death Jesus promises Christians that they will receive anything they ask for. Again this is on condition that they have forgiven all things in themselves. Forgiveness restores wholeness to both parties and so restores God to us, and so grace.
When Jesus says believe you have already received what you have prayed for, He is saying ‘know’ that it is already there for you. Believing means knowing. Again He is saying if you do not believe that God's wholeness, and therefore knowledge, can be and therefore is in you, it will not be there. This is how the spiritual works - you find by belief. If you do not know that something will come true, then you do not really believe it! It is a measure of grace with God to know what He wants for you. How you receive it may often be a surprise. It is the same with science and Nature. If you have knowledge of Nature you will know what is about to happen before it has happened. It is the art of weather forecasting by intuition rather than using gadgetry. There would be little point in praying unless you believed utterly that it was possible; that what you have asked for will be given to you. It is impossible to separate prayer, intuition, and belief, for none can exist without the other.
We can see Jesus teaching intuition and belief on this walk past the fig tree. Jesus looks at the fig tree in the distance i.e. it takes His interest. He then looks for figs that He knows are out of season and so will not be there. Christ is already in perfect tune or grace with God/Nature. He already knows that the tree is going to die and announces that it is never going to produce fruit. To the disciples it appears He has cursed it and they are amazed next day that it has withered and wilted or ‘died to the root’. Here is the real meaning of being given what you ask for when you believe or know that it has been done. When you are in perfect grace with God you can tune into what is happening using perfect intuition, by prayer. You are obviously not aware simultaneously of everything that is going on in the universe but you can ‘see’ things that others cannot. Unlike animals we are privy to all things in the universe and unlike animals we have selves and can ask. This was not a random happening but Jesus no doubt needed to teach His disciples a lesson and God or Nature provided this for Him. He was looking!
So you can ask in prayer for anything you need. This may be a meal of apricots. If you believe that they are given and that you will be steered to gaining these apricots, then you will have begun the process of positioning yourself to receive them. You may feel that you have been led to them and so you have but only because you have cooperated with God and your intuition.
That intuitive knowledge is shared by all people (we are literally one body or at least have the capacity to be one body) whether we are all aware of it or not; whether we are Christian or not. Praying for people is essential as it is a way of communicating with people by faith and God and our shared God or Father. It is a real way therefore that we can give one another faith and actually steer their lives as well as our own. So this grace or intuition is something we can give or inspire in others. It is something that can be pooled. It explains exactly moments of telepathy.
In the parable of the talents Jesus warns us of not showing grace with each other or not investing it in other people to help them. If we just keep our grace, wholeness, belief or intuition to ourselves then we will have it removed and given to other people who do use it. It must not just grow in ourselves but in others too. The man who was afraid of his master and kept the money he was given ‘safe’ had his money taken away from him on his master’s return and given to a man who had increased his master’s money by investing it. So humans have the capacity to grow spiritual love.
A dire warning was given to those that are thinking of using intuition to harm or profit from people. You will have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit and God can never forgive you. This is because you have knowingly broken your trust in God. It is the only sin that will never be forgiven. In order to gain such knowledge of the power of God you have completely knowingly deceived God. Others' sins are forgiven because you do not have perfect grace so you do not understand what you have done. Judas, traditionally seen as the arch sinner of all time, although he betrayed Jesus and ended up harming him, did not understand fully what he was doing and the consequences of it.
About the author: Richard L Woodard works as a writer for write my essay service. He is an expert photographer with a large experience. Moreover, Richard took part in some exhibitions and competitions where he won a visit to France. It was a good experience.
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