Meditation is a huge topic. There are many types of meditation, some involve concentration, other mindfulness, breathing, walking, sitting, lying down...
Some people estimate that there are more than 110 meditation methods, but this number, with so many variations out there, certainly comes close to the thousands.
What to do and how to choose the right one.
I think you would agree that trying to find a suitable meditation technique is a hell of a hard job.
But, here is the deal...
...if you are into lucid dreaming, I promise you there are several great meditations to help you induce this state and improve your dream experiences, yoga dreaming, or dream recall.
In the following we will describe three meditation methods tested and verified as great tools for inducing lucid dream.
60 seconds mindfulness meditation,
neutral observer meditation,
and imagination.
But first, let's talk a bit about Lucid dreaming. Just in case you are new to this type of spiritual development practice that involves sleep.
Dream lucidity simply means being aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming.
It can happen to anyone without prior preparation, but not that often. Surely you too have had at least one lucid dream in your life.
This kind of dream awareness usually ranges in degree, starting from a faint notion of dreaming, up to being fully aware and capable of changing the dream scenery. Such vivid dreams usually happen in between "normal" dreams.
And without further ado, let us describe the first method, mindfulness meditation, because this is probably the best way to induce lucidity in your dreams.
Mindfulness means being what you already are. You don't try to be something or someone else. You just want to be aware of what is going on in and around you, moment by moment. Mindfulness teaches you to be present unconditionally, regardless of what is happening.
One very simple and easy mindfulness practice is the so called
You can practice it any time, anywhere... but of course... to induce lucidity the best time would be just before going to bed.
Note the exact time and be ready to spend the next 60 seconds focusing your attention on your breathing.
That's all.
Be aware of your breathing (don't change its rhythm though) and catch your mind as it tries to shift the focus of your attention to something else other than breathing. It is just a minute, but it may seem as an eternity.
I know what you might be thinking now... this is too simple. But don't be fooled.
This mindfulness technique is incredibly powerful. And, believe me, one minute of sustained attention is a very very long time.
And this awareness technique will help you carry over the attained mindfulness into your dream.
How and why it works
The point is to turn the focus of your attention from the usual train of thoughts.
You detach yourself from the constant inner dialogue about various problems, interests, desires, daydreaming, or random stuff. You move to what is happening around or inside you.
The point is that you transfer your attention from hanging on to the fleeting thoughts and put it elsewhere. This awareness will then naturally carry over into your dreams and you will master lucid dreaming more easily.
So, mindfulness meditation is one of the best tools to increase the vividness in your dreams.
At some advanced stages of you spiritual development, you might even be able to meditate throughout the night and drift into vivid dreaming directly from your meditation.
You can meditate by sitting on the floor while keeping your back straight. And, after a while, you practically fall asleep in the middle of your meditation and enter in a lucid dream. So letting yourself fall asleep in a meditative state is another great induction method for lucid dreaming.
The next method is the "neutral observer" meditation. In this method of Zen origin, you simply observe your thoughts as you fall asleep. Just observe them and don't allow them to take you away.
Let them flow, without interfering, as if you were their hidden witness inside your head.
If you do this meditation properly, you will be surprised how easily you can enter lucid dreaming night after night.
Yet another practical exercise that can help you master lucidity is staring at fixed objects.
For example, you can use an apple or a candle flame, position them at the level of your eyes and stare for a couple of minutes without blinking.
After a while, close your eyes and try to project the image of the object on your inner screen. Usually, this image will disappear after a second or two, but with practice you can train your mind to be still and keep the image longer.
This technique is a kind of imagination, and it can have a huge impact on your ability to be aware and vigilant while dreaming.
You can choose to practice either of these methods. They will change the way you have thought about vivid dreaming.
Just remember to prepare for any meditation you choose by following this simple routine:
While meditation in its core has the highest goal possible, which is achieving enlightenment, people often use it because of its benefits.
For example, people use it to deal with depression, anxiety, stress, etc. And there is nothing wrong with this. You can use it too for lucid dreaming and you will be surprised as to how quickly your dream landscape will change for the better.
And one last tip: use Amethyst as a metaphysical tool to help you achieve lucidity even faster.