The Incredible Power of Daily Meditation

If you manage to make meditation your daily habit, it will become one of the most powerful things you've ever done in your life.

If you learn and use what I'm about to present to you in this post, you will soon realize that meditation is one of the most simple but very powerful practices - you can meditate anywhere and any time, and what's more important, you will get immediate benefits from it.

That's why there is no excuse for not practicing meditation daily.

If you are one of the people who think that meditation is something that should be done under the guidance of an experienced teacher, in a meditation center or ashram, know that you are only partially right. Meditation can be as simple as noticing your breath while riding on the bus, or while working in your office.

If you are really busy, meditation can take only a couple of minutes a day, so there's absolutely no reason for not doing it.

meditation is like going home

Why Meditate?

I can think of a million reasons why meditation is a good daily habit. Here are some of the most striking:

  • It is the best tool for stress relief and relaxation.
  • The mindfulness achieved in meditation can be naturally applied to your day-to-day life.
  • Meditation helps you appreciate life more and be more conscious of your action.
  • It brings you a number of mental benefits, including improved concentration, memory, joy and intellectual performance.
  • It brings a number of health benefits, such as blood pressure regulation, improved respiration and heart health, better metabolism and many more.

In fact you won't be able to put on paper most of the important meditation benefits, such as your ability to understand your inner world much better, the ability to think intuitively, as well as your increased self-awareness.

If you manage to sit for just a couple of minutes in meditation every day, you will create a personal oasis of peace and calm not often found in our lives today. If you consider just that one fact, it should be enough to make up your mind and get started.

How to Do Meditation Daily

Meditation is a rather broad term. There are many ways of meditation, and indeed, many different meditation methods. We are not going to be concerned about them. You will have plenty of time to find your perfect type of meditation later. For now, it's important to adopt and practice your habit of meditation on a day-to-day basis.

That's why we will start with the following simple way of meditation.

  1. Decide firmly that you will set aside 5 minutes every day for your meditation. You can certainly meditate more than 5 minutes if you feel like it, but it is important to make this task as simple as possible in order for your habit to form. So, commit to just 5 minutes daily and never let a day pass without meditation.
  2. Select a good time for meditation. It should be a general time, not an exact one, for example, after you have woken up in the morning, or some time in the afternoon. You could also select a trigger, which should be any activity that you perform on a regular basis, such as drinking your morning juice, your afternoon cup of coffee, or when you come home from work.
  3. Find your quiet place for meditation. If you have chosen to meditate at home, it can be a quiet spot in your bedroom where you feel relaxed and comfortable. If you meditate during the day, it can be a desolate park bench where you can sit without being disturbed or upset for a couple of minutes.
  4. Sit restfully and freely. It is not important so much how you sit or what your body posture is (as long as your spine is straight), nor is it important what you wear. You can sit on the floor if you like or in a chair or couch. You can even use a specialized meditation bench. All that does not matter much. Some people find it easier to sit with their legs crossed, but you should not pay too much attention to these details as long as you feel good and physically relaxed.
  5. Your goal is to meditate for just 5 minutes. Not 20 or 30 minutes. From time to time when you feel in a good mood or really up to it, you can extend this time, but don't overdo it. Some people think that they can easily meditate half an hour, but in fact, they can't. Remember that what you are trying to do here is form a habit of meditation, one that will last for years. You don't want to meditate 30 minutes today and then entirely skip your meditation tomorrow. Once you have meditated for 14 straight days, you can think about extending your meditation to 10 minutes. After the next 14 days, you can go to 15 minutes, and so on, until you reach the limit of 20 minutes per meditation session.

What to do While in Meditation?

During the 5 minutes of your daily meditation exercise you should focus your attention on the breath. Close your eyes (or keep them open if you have to) and follow the air that is coming in through your nose, filling your lungs and belly. Then visualize how it goes out during your breathing out. Don't try to force or regulate your breathing. Just mentally follow its natural course.

After a while you will notice that you lose track of your breathing. The focus of your mind has shifted, something else has drawn your attention, or some thoughts have made your mind restless. That's nothing to worry about, it is very natural for your mind to do that. When that happens, start over. Don't force anything. Just gently bring your mind back on the breath.

That's more or less it. This meditation is super easy and very simple. All that you have to do is perform it for 5 minutes every day. Your trigger should remind you not to let a single day pass without it. After some time, you will have established your daily meditation routine.

How to Expand on It?

It is not really difficult to expand on this simple meditation. What it does is teach you how to be present in the here and now and pay attention to your breath. It is more easily done in silence, sitting in your quiet spot, but after a while you will be able to do it anywhere. For example, whenever you feel overwhelmed by anxiety or stress, shift your attention to your breath, and let your mind be aware of the present. Alternatively, whenever you take a walk, shift your focus to your breath, instead of letting your restless thoughts take over your.

If you have never done meditation before, this could be a nice start. If you have been meditating some time in the past, this simple exercise can help your reestablish your meditation routine, and later on enable you to perform more serious types of meditation.


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mjalta says:

I am so happy to find this site. I have started meditating. I did it early in the morning. I usually experience lots of pain from a chronic illness but that day, the discomforts were to a minimum. I think my body got a real treatment. Very nice. Thank you. Keep writing please.

sunnyray says:

Hello, and thanks for the comment.
I am glad to hear that you managed to reduce some your discomforts with the help of meditation. I want to encourage you to be persistent with your meditation routine, as I know of no other technique that can bring so many health benefits. Please make sure that you sign up for our meditation newsletter here, so you never miss a meditation article from our website. With love and light!

sybella loram says:

Great site.

sunnyray says:

Glad you like it, sybella.

Jeanne says:

Thank you so much for sharing this much needed information.

Rev. Jeanne Marie

Jeanne says:

Thank you Jeanne.

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