Secrets of Meditation — The Ultimate List of Mantras for Meditation

Before going into more detail about 15 very powerful mantras that you can use in your daily meditation practice, let's answer some questions beginners in meditation usually have when trying to implement this specific meditation technique.

But, first things first. What exactly is a mantra?

Mantra meditation is one of the several basic meditation types. Mantra is a word, phrase, or sequence of words that are silently repeated, sung, or chanted during a meditation session. Repeating mantras is very much like praying, except mantras are usually much shorter than prayers.

One of the definitions of meditation is freeing the mind from any kind of thoughts.

So, the logical question you could ask is how you can have an empty mind, while at the same time repeating words...

... and you would have a very good point there.

Om mantra symbol

Actually, what mantra meditation tries to do, in a way, is cheating the mind. It uses the natural ability of the mind to focus on certain words... and by repeating those words over and over again..., you can, eventually, reduce the inner clutter of distracting thoughts.

Because of this trick, some spiritual teachers, gurus, and experienced meditators don't even consider mantra meditation a proper type of meditation.

Anyhow, without going into too much detail, the most important thing for us to consider while talking about mantra meditation is whether or not this type of meditation actually works.

And it does. It really does.

This type of meditation works well in what it is supposed to do - to help you calm your mind. It helps you empty some content from the mind, that is a percentage of the various thoughts usually present there.

But if you seek enlightenment, or more comprehensive breakthroughs in your spiritual development, mantra meditation is probably not the way to go.

Who Can Practice Mantra Meditation?

This technique can virtually be practiced by everyone... and anytime. It is very simple, and it can also be fun.

You may try it, even if you are not into this stuff. Even if you don't believe in meditation. It will work simply because it delivers in what it's supposed to do.

You get the benefits. You become more relaxed, you center and ground your energies. It makes you free from some of the nagging thoughts and harsh emotions.

And if you already do meditation, but not mantra meditation, you will have another weapon in your arsenal.

How Can You Practice It?

Here are some points you should keep in mind so that you mantra meditation can be really successful.

  1. Select your mantra wisely illustration of Kabir, a great 15th century guru, mystic, and poet, who influenced people from many different religions, including Hinduism, Sikhism, and Muslim.

    If you have a meditation instructor, spiritual teacher, or a guru, it is only natural that you should receive your mantra from him or her. That's the wisest choice because, that's the choice of love.

    In fact, some gurus give their disciples personalized mantras. If that's the case you are golden.

    If you haven't yet found your spiritual teacher, see the list below and choose one of the mantras that speaks to your heart.

    In reality, even if you choose a word or a phrase without any meaning whatsoever, this type of meditation technique should work. That's because of the nature of this practice.

    However, as you can choose, it is much better to choose a powerful combination of words, like some on the list we present at the end of this post.
  2. Select a suitable time

    The best time for me to practice meditation is first thing in the morning. But you can choose any time that works for you.

    Sometimes, when I feel overwhelmed by the events of the day, I try to set some time apart and meditate during the day, even at my workplace. It brings me back on track pretty quickly, much better than, for example, taking a nap.

    You too can practice your mantra meditation whenever you feel stressed, exhausted, or worn-out. But, don't forget to practice meditation also when you are in the best of shape.

    After all, meditation is contacting your true nature. It should be your greatest joy.
  3. Select a suitable place meditate on a bench outdoors when you can

    You can practice mantra meditation anywhere. Just like any type of meditation. But, if you are a beginner, maybe you should consider practicing in a quiet and secluded place.

    After you have gained some experience as a meditator, you will be able to extend your meditation routine to other locations, for example, outdoors in a park.

    Eventually, when you have sufficiently deepened your meditation, you will be able to meditate in the most unlikely places, for example in places crowded with people.
  4. Before you start

    You may choose whether you want to close your eyes or not. Meditation can be done perfectly fine with your eyes opened. In most of the cases, though, you will find it much easier if you meditate with your eyes closed.

    Follow your breath for a couple of minutes without trying to change the pace of your inhaling and exhaling. Become aware of the natural rise and fall of your chest. This will induce a state of relaxation, which is a good basis for getting started with your mantra meditation.
  5. The actual meditation

    Simply begin by repeating your selected mantra in your mind. Do that silently. Some teachers recommend that after a couple of minutes you switch to chanting your mantra out loud. It is up to you whether you go for this external part by chanting the mantra, or you just finish your session by continuing to repeat your mantra silently in yourself. I, personally, never switch to chanting out loud.
  6. How much is enough habit is more important than time

    At the beginning, no more than 5 minutes in one session. Gradually extend this period to 20 minutes at a time. I have found that it is way more important to be consistent day in day out. Even if it is just a couple of minutes each day. It makes no sense to meditate 20 minutes today, only to skip tomorrow and the day after.
  7. If your mind wanders

    Actually, it's not a question of IF but a question of WHEN. Your mind will start to wander even if you do this meditation technique right. It will be the same even if you have a lot of experience.

    Nobody has managed to skip this part.

    You will be distracted every now and then. Therefore, it is important to know up front that this is going to happen. When it happens, just gently get back to repeating your phrase. Just notice the change and get back again as soon as possible. It is that simple. No explanations are needed, no rationalizations, and no excuses. Don't go there. Just bring your attention back to the chosen mantra.

    You see, mantra meditation is extremely simple. It is so simple, that we tend to overlook the simplicity of it, and complicate things over and over again.

    So, reduce your practice to constant repeating the chosen words or phrase. Nothing more, nothing else.

The list

Here is the list of world's most powerful mantras we've promised at the beginning of this post. Make sure that you check this page for the extended meaning of some of them.

  1. “Om” The mantra of universal consciousness. The most famous and most sacred mantra in the Hindu and Buddhist tradition.

    Om doesn't seem to have a specific meaning, yet it is believed to be related to the primeval, original sound of the universe and to the infinite spirit. Check the below video on how to chant this mantra.

    OHM MANTRA REPEATED 108 TIMES - Most Powerful Mantra of All

  2. Om namah shivaya, mantra dedicated to Lord Shiva“Om Namah Shivaya” Its meaning is “I send my adorations to Shiva”. This mantra is thought to bring peace in the heart of the meditator and joy to their soul. Here's a complete video on this mantra.

    Peaceful Om Namah Shivaya Mantra

  3. “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti” Used in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions alike, this mantra refers to the peace of mind, body, and speech.

    Shanti is a Pali (one of the many Indian languages) word for “peace”. By repeating it 3 times, it simply means peace to the entire human constitution, to the body, speech and mind.

    Listen to This Mantra in the Video Below

  4. Shanti means peace
  5. “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare” This 16-word mantra is also called Maha Mantra. It is Hindu in origin. It is mentioned in one of the Upanishad.

    image of Lord Krishna By chanting the three names of the Lord: Hare, Krishna, and Rama, we are invoking the Lord and His inner blissful energy.

    Listen to the Hare Krishna Hare Rama as Performed by Jagjit Singh

  6. om mani padme hum written on paper
  7. “Om Mani Padme Hum” This mantra is of Buddhist origin. Its meaning is “The jewel is in the lotus” The lotus being your spiritual heart, of course.

    Tibetan Buddhist Chanting of the Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra

  8. “Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha” This ancient mantra comes from the Tibetan Buddhism. It is related to Green Tara, "the Mother of all Buddhas". It helps with personal problems but also it can help deal with real world problems.

    This mantra has as its aim liberation from all mental and emotional delusions, and achieving enlightenment, not only for us, but for all sentient beings.

    Tara Mantra by Ani Choying Drolma

  9. “Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru” This one is from the Sikh tradition. It takes you on a journey from the personal and finite to the infinite and back.

    Guru means wisdom, because Gu is darkness and Ru light. Wahe Guru takes you to the realm of the infinite. Guru Ram Das was one of the Ten Gurus of Sikhism, whom you are like when you return back from the infinite.

    Listen to the Guru Ram Das mantra

  10. “Gate Gate Para Gate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha!” This mantra is found at the end of the famous "Heart Sutra" (or Prajna Paramita). Gate in this mantra is pronounced as "gah-tay". One of the translations of this mantra could be: "Going, going, going on beyond, always going on beyond, always becoming Buddha." It is a beautiful thought that expresses that becoming Buddha is a process. It suggests that we are on a journey of becoming enlightened as a Buddha, a journey without end. If you decide to try this mantra, you can check the other translations of this mantra here and study it a bit more to get its deeper meanings.

    Om Gate Gate Paragate Chanting

  11. “Om Tat Sat” This one is a Hindu mantra from the Bhagavad Gita. The three words denote the absolute truth. Om refers to the Infinite Spirit, tat to “all that is” and sat to the “truth”.

    Om Tat Sat - Bhagavad Gita Mantra

  12. “Allah Hoo” (Allah hu) This one is a mantra from the Sufi tradition. Allah is the word for God. Together the two words mean “God is” or “God is present”.

    Allah Hoo Performed Live by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

  13. “I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you” Hawaiian (Ho???oponopono)

    This is a powerful mantra loosely based on the Hawaiian spiritual tradition. It can be repeated constantly, in any given situation to take responsibility of everything that is happening in your life and for everyone present in it.

    Hawaiian Prayer, Ho'oponopono, Mantra Meditation

  14. “Elohim” Mantra of Hebrew origin. Elohim means a higher class of Angel Being whom can invoke in need of guidance.

    Kadumah Elohim Mantra

  15. “El Shaddai” Also one from the Hebrew tradition. It means “God Almighty”.
  16. “Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adonai Tzebayoth” From the Hebrew tradition too. It means “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts”.

    Listen to Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, TSEBAYOTH Adonai

  17. “I am that I am” Hebrew in origin as well. But universal for all people. God???s reply to Moses when he asked for His holy name.

    I AM Meditation Mantra

  18. “Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner” Also known as Jesus prayer. If you are Christian, especially in the Orthodox tradition, you can use it as a mantra as well. There is hardly any difference between mantra meditation and prayer if both are done right.

    Listen to This Mantra in a Song

  19. icons of Christ and Mother Mary
  20. “Ave Maria” Latin for Hail Mary. It is a beautiful Christian prayer, but you can use it a mantra too to open your heart for the love and healing energies of Mother Mary.

    Love, Peace, Healing Vibrations, Powerful Christian Mantra

Modern Mantras

Every time seems to have its mantras. At the dawn of the New Golden Age, our time also has some modern meditation mantras:

  1. I am exactly where I need to be.
  2. My life has a Divine purpose.
  3. I attract love, joy, and abundance.
  4. Every day in every way, I'm getting better and better.
  5. By changing my thoughts, I'm changing my world.
  6. I am open to the abundance of the universe.

At the end, a word of caution. Don't try to find the perfect mantra. Choose one of the above and stick to it, and be successful. There is no reason why you shouldn't be. Namaste!

Your Comment:


abby says:

What does "tak laa reem" mean?

sunnyray says:

Could it be that you are referring to the Panchadasi mantra?
It has 3 lines and goes like this:
Ka E I La Hreem
Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hreem
Sa Ka La Hreem
For the full meaning please check this link.

Lin says:

Thanks, I meditated a longtime for 25 years 1-2 hours a day...buddhist meditation....until I went back to school at 45 the last several years ,10 years...I want to get back into it...but am not sucessful...TM wants 900.00 to give a mantra...this page is valuable as it is light and positive and with the you tubes of the mantras ...can feel the energy and vibration to assist with chosing the ones that resonate..Thank You for this kind sharing:) Lin

sunnyray says:

Thanks Lin for your comment and insight. We wish you a very successful and blissful mantra meditation!

gabi says:

why i cant feel the vibration of mantras?

sunnyray says:

Don't worry about that. Just continue with your meditation. The less you expect the more effective your practice will be.

Prasanth says:

EXCELLENT,FANTASTIC Description about Dhyana(Meditations),

Samantha says:

I was wondering if Affirmations can be used as Mantras in Meditation or not.
Thanks a lot for this wonderful post.
I really appreciate your kind efforts.

Raina says:

Wow... So beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.

I've been using Bob Proctor Mantra on a regular basis:

"I am so Happy & Grateful Now that... Money comes to me in Increasing Quantities on a Regular Basis..."

Onewisdom says:

Does anyone know a mantra that has the following lyrics...


Friend says:

Nice and valuable information.

Amanda says:

It's truly a wonderful as well as a very useful post for anyone looking for mantras or mantra meditation. It's been 3 years I guess I've been chanting OM Mani Padme Hum Mantra... I think I've got a lot of benefits from it like peace of mind, relaxation and much more. Thanks for sharing

Harpreet Singh says:

I sit daily for 20-30 minutes but don't feel any vibration. I don't know but I don't feel the mantra vibrations.

sunnyray says:

You don't have to have a response in order for the mantra to be successful. Believe in its power, regardless of response, and it will be very effective in the long run.

Roger says:

These kind of words are really helpful you know when someone's feeling bad or you know when someone is in pain. I would really like to thank you a lot for your kind words. May God Bless You Always.

sunnyray says:

Thank you Roger.